We can’t help ourselves. We love proselytizing about sourdough and want to convert YOU into a sourdough baker. More sourdough = a better world. Won’t you agree?
To help convince you, Teaching Table is offering this FREE session where you will learn how to create and maintain a sourdough starter and get tips for baking better bread.
This session is for you if:
You are considering sourdough bread baking but don’t know how to get started
You bake with sourdough but want better results
You have a starter but got off track
You eat the delicious sourdough your friends and neighbors produce and you want to return the kindness
What is the cost?
FREE. Superior Sourdough Simplified is a FREE 1 hour virtual session. “Bring” your flour, water and sourdough questions.
What do I get?
step-by-step demonstration on creating a starter
Teaching Table’s Guide to Creating a Low Waste Starter (downloadable)
science and background explanation on sourdough
your sourdough questions answered LIVE
priority for our Sourdough Bread Baking for Beginners and Intermediate and Advanced Sourdough Baking courses
What do I need?
The only items you truly NEED are FLOUR and WATER. We can figure out the rest…
flour (ideally organic; from varieties of either wheat, spelt, or rye; stone or farmer ground; or bread flour)
glass jars or containers with lids
mixing bowls or large plastic containers, (ideally with covers or kitchen towels or plastic wrap)
bench/dough scraper or large metal or plastic spatula
kitchen scale or measuring cups and spoons
basket or bowl for shaping bread
parchment paper
lame, razor blade or very sharp knife
dutch oven